We work with people who are ready and willing to do the heartwork required to overcome hardship and
forge a positive path for the future. Most of our clients come to us for support to heal from trauma and to navigate the justice system. As registered social workers, we serve as therapists and advocates. We begin with comprehensive intake sessions that cover your biological, psychological, social history (BPSH), establish your goals, and set out a treatment plan that works for you.
We are passionate about healthy relationships (starting with self-love) & we teach individuals, couples, families, and professionals new strategies for clear & honest communication. We use EMDR and other interventions to help our clients move from surviving to thriving, and from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to post-traumatic super growth (PTSG).
We help organizations, companies and communities develop policies and practices for trauma-informed leadership.We also provide trauma-informed education & consulting to journalists, filmmakers, lawyers, police & politicians.

We have worked with
hundreds of individuals and dozens of communities and organizations including:
Survivors of violent crime and their families
Responsibility-taking perpetrators of crime and their families
First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities, including Aklavik, Inuvik, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Ulukhaktok, Reindeer Station and Kamloops
Ottawa Catholic District School Board Superintendents and Principals and other school boards
RCMP, Toronto Police Services, Ontario Courts and Superior Courts, San Francisco County Sheriff’s Office, Parole Board of Canada, Correctional Service of Canada
Journalists and media outlets including CBC, NBC, Blue Ant Media